The Way Conference is...

a call for the church to return to its ancient roots, as modeled by Christ and the apostles. This 3 day conference features teaching, panels, prophecy, worship, prayer, and testimonies.


Guest speakers are subject to change.


You have questions. We have answers. Check out our FAQ's for any questions you have. Still not finding an answer? Email us at
Is there a Nursing Mothers area?
Yes. Upstairs from the main foyer is a prayer room that will be set aside for nursing mothers. LiveStream of the conference is provided in that room so you don't miss a moment.

May I reserve my seat(s)?
The sanctuary will be cleaned and picked up each night so don't leave anything overnight. However, starting with the morning main session, you may claim your seats for that conference day by clearly marking or placing personal items in those seats.

Is there conference parking?
Yes, there is parking on-site.

What about water, drinks, and coffee?
Water is available by fountain or bottle (donation recommended). The Cafe will open daily for the purchase of coffee, specialty drinks, and snacks throughout the conference. Drinks and snacks are allowed in the sanctuary.

Is food available for purchase?
The Cafe will have some snacks available for purchase. Drinks and snacks are allowed in the sanctuary.

When do the conference doors open?
Building doors open 1 hour prior to each days first main session. The sanctuary doors will open 30 minutes prior to the start of each main session.